, Stress Is Ruining Your Health: Here’s What You Can Do About It

Stress Is Ruining Your Health: Here’s What You Can Do About It

Stress Is Ruining Your Health: Here’s What You Can Do About It


According to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress, and 73% of people regularly experience the psychological effects of stress. Stress can have wide-ranging effects on emotions, moods, and behavior. Equally important but often overlooked are the effects on various systems, organs, and tissues all over the body.

Chronic stress can lead to:

  • Sleep Disorders
  • Lower Energy Levels
  • Poor Digestion
  • High Heart Rates & Blood Pressure
  • Depression
  • Decrease In Productivity
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship Problems
  • Inflammation
  • Headaches
  • Lower Quality of Life
  • Increased Pain
  • & Much More

Stress can be beneficial to your health in short-term situations. However, if your stress response is overactive (like most people today), and your levels of stress stay elevated far longer than is necessary for survival, it can wreak havoc on your health.

It is believed that as much as 90 percent of illness and disease is stress-related. Stress can interfere with your physical functioning and bodily processes. If left unchecked, stress can cause or even worsen many of the modern diseases that plague our society today.

Address The Stress

As you can see, stress can play a huge role in our overall health and vitality. This is why we often target stress first before addressing other issues. Once the stress is under control or managed, the body is able to function properly the way it was designed. When the body is functioning properly, healing can begin.

Ruining Your Health


What is the Magnesphere?

The Magnesphere is pretty simple. It is a chair with two gigantic rings on either side. These rings immerse your body in low-frequency electromagnetic fields. The varying frequencies of the fields help put your body in a much more relaxed state, dampening any stress your body may be under. By doing this, the Magnesphere is helping your body transition from the “fight or flight” response of your nervous system, to a more restful, parasympathetic response, which in turn helps you get into a more relaxed state.

TheMagnesphere helps bring balance to the autonomic nervous system and addresses the physiological and emotionaleffects of chronic stress.

Ruining Your Health

Float Therapy

What is Floating?

Floating is the act of utilizing a “floatation tank, pod, or open-air pool.” Float Therapy has also been referred to as “sensory deprivation therapy” or “restricted environmental stimulus,” also known as R.E.S.T. It is utilized as a therapy to combat the stressors of everyday life.

Floating minimizes this external sensory input on the nervous system, allowing our minds and bodies to experience an environment they have never encountered before, which is why many people report levels of intense relaxation. This type of relaxation can bring about a plethora of benefits pertaining to stress. The most common are decreased blood pressure, decreased heart rate, and decreased anxiety, as well as increasing one’s sense of overall wellbeing.

Many people with meditation practices report floatation therapy as a great place to meditate. The two combined can bring clarity, focus, calmness, creativity, and give the brain time to turn inward and listen to the body instead of all the outside noise.

Float therapy is proven to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, and reduce chronic fatigue. stimulate creativity, accelerate mental clarity and learning, deepen meditation practices, soothe chronic pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, back and neck pain, inflammation and tendonitis, decrease muscular tension caused by daily stresses and prolonged sitting, improve circulation and reduce blood pressure, accelerate healing strengthen the immune system, and much more.

Ruining Your Health


What is NeurOptimal®?

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is neuro-technology that provides training for the brain, which allows the brain to operate at its very best. This method of therapy is strategically created to talk directly to the central nervous system of the person and serves as a natural bio-hack on the brain. The result leaves the person feeling happier, calmer, and equipped to live life much more efficiently.

The neurofeedback device utilizes special sensors that are attached to the patient’s scalp to gather data on the electrical activity of the brain. This data is then relayed to an amplifier of sorts that translates the electrical voltage into numbers. From that point, the numbers are changed into brain wave frequencies that are then read by the device’s software.

NeurOptimal® processes your brain signals very rapidly, and when it detects them moving into an “instability,” the music or movie pauses very briefly. That’s it. That’s all that happens. This is the “feedback.”

As with any therapy, there needs to be clear goals set in the beginning that help determine the direction of treatment that a person will take. If the person is hoping for symptom relief, they will usually schedule appointments regularly for 2–3 months and then pause treatment once they are stable.

There is a cumulative effect when using the therapy, and many people experience changes faster when they do multiple sessions a week for a month. Ultimately, it is up to the client and his or her determination to see their goals achieved.

While these modalities are extremely effective at managing and relieving stress, we understand it is not always feasible if you don’t always have access to the equipment. This is why we created a short guide, 5 Simple Ways To Combat Stress From Anywhere so you can start tackling your stress today and every day.

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